Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

Publisher = William Pearson & Co. (settlement promoters)

Folder: Publishers

08 Dec 2013

366 visits

Shipping headquarters, Wm. Pearson Co. Ltd. Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

A William Pearson Co. card, addressed in an unpracticed hand to Mr Peter Kreh, Bearlin [sic], Ont. "Strassburg, July 27 Dear Berother, I am going to stard work today in a feding Stabel this man has lots of hay to cut I am getting $40 a mont. but you better stay were you are I will write you lader a letter write soon John" The Berlin, Ont. receiver on the front of the card is dated July 29, 1911.

21 May 2013


321 visits

Settlers enroute to Last Mountain Valley, Sask.

This lithographed postcard shows settlers departing for the Last Mountain Valley area of Saskatchewan on March 27, 1911. It was produced by William Pearson Co., as indicated on the front. This company was likely the promoter of settlement in this region of Saskatchewan.

10 Apr 2014

339 visits

Excursion Party at Arlington Beach, Last Mountain Lake, Sask.

Numbered 22905, "Compliments of Wm. Pearson & Co. Ltd., Winnipeg, Canada." Posted at Govan, Sask., May 28 of unclear year: "Arlington Beach, Sask: Dear Ida, You will see by address we have removed, we expect to stay here until Sept: it's just a dandy little summer resort, sixteen miles from the nearest town and 130 from Saskatoon but we have good time so don't care, write soon as we only get mail twice a week. Yours, Mabel."

02 Jun 2014

183 visits

Winnipeg - Portage Avenue

An Ed. Justement card, unused. Note the William Pearson & Co lands office at left (in the Northern Crown Bank building) and the Free Press's typically boastful advertising. The YMCA also has a big sign on its building.