Market Slipp, Low Water, St. John, N.B.

Town = Saint John, New Brunswick

03 Nov 2013

225 visits

Market Slipp, Low Water, St. John, N.B.

Montreal Import card no. 933, unused -- nice photo of the harbour at Saint John.

23 Nov 2013

251 visits

Union Station, St. John, N.B.

Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 101,768.

03 Dec 2013

1 favorite

235 visits

Trinity Church, St. John, N.B.

Undivided back "Private Mailing Card", unused.

13 Dec 2013

472 visits

Bridges and Falls, St. John N.B.

This is one of three very nice engraving cards with the "anchor" undivided back. All are unused.

10 May 2014

185 visits

Old Chipman House, St. John, N.B., Built in 1789, where King Edward VII. stayed in 1860.

New Brunswick patriotic. On the reverse is the notation "Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada in the year 1904 by the New Brunswick Tourist Association at the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa."

24 Jun 2014

213 visits

Partridge Island and Bell Buoy, St. John, N.B. [1]

Valentine & Sons no. 103,623, made in Great Britain. Unused.

24 Jun 2014

248 visits

St. John Falls, High Water running up

W. G. MacFarlane no. I.947 posted April 6, 1908 at Amherst, N.S. to Miss J. M. Wright c/o Mrs Bogigrin (?), Lancaster, Mass.: "April 5. Received your card last night am glad you are having such a good time things here are on the bum the plant is only running three days a week but I am working full time yet don't know when it will start running full time or it may go under then i [sic] will make tracks from here expect to here [sic] from you as soon as you arrive. Box 657."

24 Jun 2014

184 visits

Atlantic Sugar Refinery, St. John, N.B.

Valentine & Sons 112,052, printed in U.S.A.

24 Jun 2014

198 visits

Bridge and Falls, St. John, N.B. (Tide running down.)

Valentine & Sons 112,367, printed in U.S.A.
28 items in total