Trading Room, Grain Exchange, Winnipeg


06 Oct 2013

229 visits

Trading Room, Grain Exchange, Winnipeg

C. S. Co. card no. 508, new condition, unused, showing the trading floor of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange, c. 1908. This was in the new building at Lombard Av. and Rorie St.

28 Aug 2013

230 visits

St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg.

Unrecorded C. S. Co. card no. 607.

19 Oct 2013

675 visits

Looking west, Calgary, N.W.T.

September 10, 1905 postmark, a few days after Alberta became a province. Addressed to Miss Bell, 1 Aurs Road, Barrhead, Scotland. Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 380, with an ink-stamp (see top of card) of D. J. Young & Co of Calgary.

19 Oct 2013

207 visits

Parliament Buildings, Fredericton, N.B.

Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 354, undivided back, unused.

19 Oct 2013

219 visits

Wolfe's Monument, Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Canada.

Postmarked at Quebec, August 28, 1909, a Warwick Bros. & Rutter card (no. 466) with the intricate Warwick back. Writer notes "This city is full of charm" -- addressed to Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Orient Point, Long Island, New York.

09 Jun 2013

1 favorite

243 visits

Royal Alexandra C.P.R. Hotel, Winnipeg

Valentine & Sons card no. 101,374, showing the Royal Alexandra Hotel and the C.P.R. station from Main and Higgins. Interestingly, at lower right it is signed by Eugene Haberer, who was apparently a Montreal artist and/or engraver at the time. This image may have been prepared in advance of the hotel's opening (early 1906?). It is difficult to tell whether it was done on the basis of an actual photograph or not. The buildings in the background (on the left) appear to me to be figments of the imagination (and of course there is the usual faked street life -- cars, carriages, streetcars, etc.) Would be interesting to know more about this one. The identical image is used in the Clubb/Tom Jones postcard, but the right edge is trimmed off of that one and the remaining first few letters of the Eug. Haberer signature appear to have been deliberately effaced.

07 Jan 2014

210 visits

Government House with Parliament Buildings in Background, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Valentine Edy card no. V.E. 1000, showing a nice angle on the new Legislature. The card likely dates from the 1920s but is unused. The reverse includes the standard Valentine & Sons split-globe logo and states "BRITISH MANUFACTURE".

04 Feb 2014

297 visits

Flags the help the Motherland

I liked the look of this World War I patriotic.

10 Apr 2014

172 visits

S. S. Alberta at Riverside Park.

Stedman (Brantford and Winnipeg) card no. S B 4945 (recorded by Smith), not postally used but with the message: "17.12.12 Dear Lizzie, This is to wish thee many happy returns of thy birthday. We are always pleased to hear any news of you thro' the Fritchley Chronicle. It would be nice to see you all again. With much love, Thy friend, M. ? Wallace" Fritchley is a village in Derbyshire.
21 items in total