Loading the Grain, Canadian West.

Western Canada cards (unspecific as to location; generic themes)

23 Jul 2013

223 visits

Loading the Grain, Canadian West.

A Macfarlane card, B.381. Doesn't seem to be in the Smith guidebook.

24 Jul 2013

191 visits

Off to the Grain Fields, Western Canada

Used but not mailed, with what appears to be the conclusion of a multi-card message written across the entire back: "...some one who will lend me a little. I haven't got much room in this letter with these post cards that is the way me and Pearl is going to our honest end I will have to rite you a longer letter next time I rite I will conclude with best love from your Loving Brother & Sister." The author doesn't actually capitalize the word "I". This is another nice example of Lewis Rice's work.

31 Jul 2013

234 visits

Cowboys and Indians (strip from Greetings from Canada - Saskatchewan card)

This strip (which has one or two more images at the top end that couldn't be scanned) appears from under the Saskatchewan crest on the "Greetings from Canada" card.

16 Apr 2014

127 visits

A Western Canadian Coal Mine in Operation

Not postally used but with the message: "Don't know whether you have had these cards before. Am busy this week but hope to write long letter next week. Hope you are all well. I am A1 - OK Fine. [last line in very large lettering] This is by Rumsey & Co, in their Canadian West Series, No. 2 (30 subjects). I've seen a copy of an RPPC of this exact image and the coal mine is identified there as the Galt Coal Mine No. 3 at Lethbridge, Alta.

16 Apr 2014

163 visits

First Year on the Homestead in the Canadian North West

Stedman no. 687, recorded by Smith. Not postally used.

16 Apr 2014

113 visits

A Battery of Reapers, Western Canada.

Pugh card no. 55-5. On this presumably early card, the company is called the "Pugh Specialty Co. Ltd."

13 Aug 2014

166 visits

Ploughing the Fertile Lands of Western Canada.

Another in the Canadian Department of Emigration (1, Regent Street, London S.W. 1) series. What could be easier than farming this land?

13 Aug 2014

179 visits

Ranching Scene, Canadian North-West

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card no. 1297, with a nice ranching scene from Saskatchewan or Alberta.