Mississaqua, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River

Recreation and Vacationing

28 Oct 2013

206 visits

Mississaqua, 1000 Islands, St. Lawrence River

Postmarked at Montreal on October 27, 1908. Valentine & Sons no. 103,018. Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Rd., Birchfields, Birmingham, England (one of many cards I have that were addressed to her).

28 Oct 2013

1 comment

186 visits

[Niagara Falls]

Real photo card, unused, on classic Canadian Velox back indicating a date of 1904 or 1905.

14 Dec 2013

202 visits

Humber Bay, Toronto

A Pugh Manufacturing Co. card, addressed to Miss L. Wood, High Wt., Droitwich, Worcestershire, England (the writer had a bit of trouble spelling "Worcestershire"): "Dear Lizzie, Thanks very much for the present you sent me. XXX Elsie."

10 Jan 2014

172 visits

Regatta Day, Stony Lake, Kawartha Lakes, Ont., Canada (101,094)

Valentine & Sons card no. 101,094: "This is where the pleasant days are spent in Summer time. I love the boat races." Not postally used.

10 Apr 2014

145 visits

Getting Ready for a Tramp

Valentine & Sons card 101,367 with this message written across the whole back: "Dear Little May, I hope you will have a happy Birthday and lots of good things guess I am rather early. I do hope you are better. Little Lidie must feal very proud of his 2 sisters. You must hurry up and get well it will soon be time to go to the seaside and make sand pies, kiss Lidie and Baby for me tell them Pat is coming to see them soon. Love and kisses, from Pat XXXXXX"

13 Aug 2014

334 visits

Stoney Lake Navigation Co.'s Steamer Stoney Lake

Unused Valentine & Sons card no. 105,417.

04 Jun 2016

137 visits

7118. Canoeing on Tobique River - near Perth, New Brunswick

Warwick Bros. & Rutter, no. 2147, published for Estey & Curtis Co., Limited of Hartland, N.B. Posted August 6, 1909 at what appears to be Plaster Rock, N.B. (partial split-ring) to Mrs. C. T. Boyer, East F'ville [Florenceville], Car[leton] Co., N.B.

05 Jun 2016

255 visits

7135. Winnipeg Beach

Valentine & Sons card no. 105,146. Posted at Winnipeg Canada Station 3 on Feb. 27, 1910. "Dear Myrtle: Have been waiting for a card for a long time. I have sent two since I heard from you last. Lill got your card today and was glad to hear from you. I suppose you are busy now. I am that busy that I do not know what I'm doing. I suppose there is quite a few people in Bolingbroke now. I guess I can't get any more on this card. From Pim." To Miss Myrtle Norris, Bolingbroke, Ont., Canada

10 Oct 2014

247 visits

4267. River St. Boulevard, Prince Albert

Sharp, excellent image of "beachgoers" in Prince Albert. The enormous ladies' hats were clearly the style in 1912, as similar ones appear in the similar Lyall RPPCs of Winnipeg Beach from that same summer. Note that this card has been sent to France, with the stamp on the front as appears to have been required of postcards sent to France, Belgium and other countries.