Shelf Stones from Snake Summit

Pennine Way over Bleaklow

Folder: Around Bleaklow
Snake summit to the Longdendale Trail:
Via Higher Shelf Stones from Crooked Clough, wreckage of Over Exposed. On to Hern Stones - back to Pennine Way to Wain Stones and Bleaklow Head then down Torside Clough to Reaps Farm

06 Oct 2013

77 visits

Shelf Stones from Snake Summit

06 Oct 2013

101 visits

Approaching Shelf Stones over Gathering Hill

06 Oct 2013

74 visits

Lower Shelf Stones

2 Ravens sitting at the top. B/W processing with Orange filter

06 Oct 2013

71 visits

An Angel in the sky over Bleaklow

06 Oct 2013

68 visits

Some of the Higher Shelf Stones

06 Oct 2013

100 visits

Lower Shelf Stones

06 Oct 2013

95 visits

Taken lying on my back at Higher Shelf Stones

A380 - directly over the trig point. This was a bit of a disappointment top of the Pennines and still no side view of this plane.

06 Oct 2013

101 visits

Overexposed wreckage in 2013

Debris from WWII Superfortress crash

06 Oct 2013

63 visits

Hern Stones

23 items in total