Blue Alpha

Men at Large

Beach Looker

09 Nov 2009 1 479
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - July, 1970

Beached Blond

01 Feb 2005 425
South Beach - July, 2007

Beachfront Lounge

23 Oct 2009 262
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - July, 2007

Beachside Gay Wedding - Pedestrian Onlookers

07 Apr 2010 5 3 669
Fort Lauderdale, Florida - July, 2005

Before the Parade

04 Mar 2010 8 7 561
Crowds begin gathering along the canals for the Gay Pride Parade starting in about one hour. Amsterdam, Netherlands - July, 2006

Birds on a Wing

03 Feb 2010 1 515
Birds have keen eyes that enable them to make perfect distance adjustments while they stalk their prey. In addition, their large eyes contain more vision cells, which means better sight. There are more than one million vision cells in the eye of a typical bird of prey. Guys on the prowl. Community art fair - June, 2010 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect.)

Blonde Looker with Mirrored Shades

26 Sep 2009 1 706
Sports Park - September, 2009

Blonde Looker with Mirrored Shades (Detail)

26 Sep 2009 4 1 592
Sports Park - September, 2009

Blue Boy with Children

21 Jun 2010 2 3 452
Amusement ride attendant. Ethnic festival - June, 2010

Blue Boys

04 Sep 2010 9 1 428
Outdoor music festival - July, 2010 (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

Blue Fan

06 Jun 2010 1 2 440
Soccer Game - June, 2010

Blue Man

25 May 2010 9 2 553
(Please "View on Black" for best effect)

Blue Rocker at Dusk

08 Jan 2011 9 4 326
Setting sun in his eyes, a dark-shaded fan fastens his gaze on the main stage. Late-season music festival. September, 2010 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect)

Blue Sunday

14 Feb 2011 5 2 365
Melancholy youth with dagger and heart tattoos. Sports park - September, 2010 (Please "View on Black" or in larger sizes for best effect)

Blushing Flowers

01 Jan 1980 9 4 684
Pride Parade - Amsterdam, Netherlands - July, 2006 (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

Boys of Summer

24 May 2009 1 405
Free Concert - May, 2009

Boys of Summer II

05 Jan 2010 3 327
Skateboarders - August, 2009

Boys of Summer IV

07 May 2010 4 3 434
A "guy thing." Sports Park - July, 2009 (Please "View on Black" for best effect)

517 items in total