The Beauty of simple Things: Black & White

The Beauty of simple Things

The Beauty of simple Things: Black & White

04 Oct 2019 83 50 517
Saturday Self-Challenge: Bottles

Keep it Simple


20 Jul 2019 57 42 442
Museum für Kunst- und Technikgeschichte, Hanau - Großauheim

The Beauty of simple Things: A Glass of Water

19 Jul 2019 72 51 575
Saturday Self-Challenge: Water

The Beauty of Simple Things: A Cup

02 Mar 2019 83 56 659
Saturday Self-Challenge: 'One'

The Beauty of simple Things: Bottles

26 Jan 2019 82 49 663
Saturday Self-Challenge: Glass in Black & White

The Beauty of simple Things: Just a Stool

An Apple

17 Aug 2018 63 42 612
Saturday Self-Challenge: Show Red in Black/White

Stillife with Bottles

28 Jul 2018 70 44 649
Better Fullscreen, Please !

Anyone for Coffee ?


25 Nov 2017 89 63 1220
Saturday Self-Challenge: Multicolour

Welcome 2021 - Up to the Light

The 50-Images-Project ( 39/50 ): Lux et Lumen

Good Morning ! Anyone for Coffee ? Wish you a very…

80 items in total