A Postcard from La Gomera

La Gomera 2019

A Postcard from La Gomera

07 Feb 2019 112 58 1010
A view from La Gomera's highest peak Garayonai to the Teide on Tenerife

A coastal View in the West of La Gomera

15 Feb 2019 72 50 813
Saturday Self-Challenge: a picture in portrait orientation - Please excuse: my comments will come next week: I'm on the way back this weekend and there isn't too much time to look and comment calmly. Sorry !


12 Feb 2019 71 43 703
Vallehermoso is a small town in the fertile North of La Gomera. The North has much more rain over the year because of the humidity which comes with the Passat winds. In this area you find a lot of banana plantations, orange and citrus trees, apples and peaches but only very small tourism in opposite to the South where a lot of ground has been sold by the peasants to investors who built appartment houses there for the visitors of the island.

A Fence for Friday

09 Feb 2019 68 59 652
HFF everybody ! Have a very nice Friday and a great weekend ! Thanks for your views, your comments and your faves ! Enjoy your weekend: Spring is in the air !

Gomera - Landscape

Wish you a very nice week ahead !


06 Feb 2019 70 36 705
Valle Gran Rey, La Playa; Gomera

Upper Valle Gran Rey, Gomera

06 Feb 2019 66 33 531
I think it's better to see it large !

A Fence for Friday

09 Feb 2019 73 60 632
HFF everybody ! Wish you a very nice Friday and a great weekend !

San Sebastián de La Gomera

14 Feb 2019 67 36 660
San Sebastián is the capital and the most important port of La Gomera. It's situated in the east of the island. The population today is 9000 habitants. The most famous visitor was Columbus who stopped there on his way to America.

Hiking through the Laurel Forest

09 Feb 2019 71 40 587
The Laurel Forest is situated in the middle of La Gomera. It covers nearly 10% of the island. This region remains most of the year in clouds and mist. The forest is a relict ecosystem which is nowadays only found on the Canaries, the Azores and Madeira. In Tertiary evergreen rainforests like this covered many parts of Europe and North Africa. In this region they have only survived thanks of high humidity and mild temperatures all over the year; the moisture comes with the westwinds from the Atlantic Ocean and is stopped by the mountains. The Laurel Forest is very important for the source of water for La Gomera and it's a refuge for a lot of endemic plants and animals. Since 1986 it's an UNESCO World Heritage site.

A Fence for Friday

12 Feb 2019 82 59 746
HFF everybody everywhere ! Wish you a nice Friday and a great weekend ! Thanks for all your support, your views, your kind comments and your faves. Many greetings from grey and rainy Rhein-Main-Area ! But: Spring is on it's way ! I'm sure !

45 items in total