A Postcard from France

Frankreich 2017/France 2017

Chateau de La Rochepot/Bourgogne

Please, Mr. Postman...

04 Sep 2017 70 42 1049
Eigentlich schon fast ein Dinosaurier. Bald werden diese gelben Kästen den Weg der Telefonzellen gegangen sein. Schade eigentlich. Gehörten ja doch irgendwie zum Staßenbild. Von Wind und Wetter gezeichnet; trotzdem unverwüstlich. Aber vielleicht überlebt ja doch der eine oder andere. Trotz Email und iPhone. Eigentlich ist was Handschriftliches ab und zu auch ganz nett. Merk ich immer, wenn sich mal eine Post in meinen Briefkasten verirrt hat. The 50-Images-Project: Mail Boxes 02/50


04 Sep 2017 83 55 914
Seen in Beaune/Bourgogne

Carcassonne - Church Saint-Gimer


06 Sep 2017 72 47 929
taken in the Pope's Palace, Avignon

Beautiful Languedoc

21 Dec 2017 65 50 518
Now the days are getting longer day by day. But there is still a long time with grey mornings ahead. Time to remember that the sun is still alive. Wish you a Good Morning and keep cool while you're doing the last preparations for Christmas !

Avignon View

06 Sep 2017 58 38 962
from my archive 'France 2017'

Towers of Carcassonne

01 Nov 2017 50 31 863
for 'Black & White Friday'

Avignon - Musée du Petit Palais

05 Sep 2017 59 41 704
The original structure was built during the Avignon Papacy between 1318 and 1320. Several times destroyed and restorated the building was used as an episcopal palace, as a fortified citadel and after the French Revolution when it has been nationalized and sold off as a catholic secondary school. In 1904 it became a professional and technical school. The last restoration work started in 1910. 1976 the building opened as a museum with an exceptional collection of Renaissance paintings by the Avignon school and from Italy.

A View over Avignon with River Rhone

06 Sep 2017 61 39 906
Fullscreen please !

Playing with Colours

A Walk in the Sunshine

The dark Side of Power

19 Sep 2017 80 48 875
Carcassonne, Languedoc

The Light of the South

Le Canal du Midi a Beziers

58 items in total