Diana Australis' photos


06 Aug 2011 2 5 536
Political advertising


06 Aug 2011 384
Political advertising

Kathmandu. Nepal

07 Jan 2007 10 2 666
Girls in street procession.


02 Jan 2007 2 1 402
Anyone for medicine?

Market. India

15 Mar 2011 3 4 496
Gujarat. Shop keeper.

India. Market barrows

In my garden

06 Dec 2010 7 6 447
Rainbow Lorikeet....many come to seek fruits and berries. They are very noisy small parrots


08 Mar 2011 1 5 460
Jain priest Bikaner. Would you buy a car from this man????? Or sell your soul?

Creeper. Sumatra jungle.

05 Aug 2011 3 6 699
I have never seen such an extraordinary plant...it looks almost artificial! It climbed about 60 meters up a huge jungle tree.

In my garden.

29 Dec 2008 2 425
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo...very large parrot, quite rare. Eating cones of banksia plant (native plant)

In my Garden

29 Dec 2008 4 4 744
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo...very large parrot, quite rare. Eating cones of banksia plant (native plant)

Sunset. Arica. Chile

Sentry box. Gran Chaco. Paraguay

11 May 2010 4 8 3437
Bottle tree.Used in Chaco War (Paraguay v Bolivia) for sentry and sniper duties

India. Wild tiger. Tigre sauvage

26 Jun 2009 16 16 2396
Magnificent young male at Bandhavgar National Park in eastern Madhya Pradesh, India. It was late June, 50C. At this time foliage has died away, so visibility is excellent. This animal walked out from a distant thicket, slowly. The photo was taken from around 3-4 meters, standing in an open jeep. It is a park which is quite difficult to access, so tourist numbers were very low, and tiger numbers were high. We saw about 10 different animals over 2 days.

India. Wild tiger. Tigre sauvage

26 Jun 2009 8 10 630
At 5 meters. With fear in my heart.

India. Wild tiger. Tigre sauvage

26 Jun 2009 3 1049
On the move

India. Wild tiger. Tigre sauvage

26 Jun 2009 1 594
Tyger, tyger, burning bright.......William Blake.

Koala in my garden

04 Dec 2006 1 522
De temps en temps des koalas visitent mon jardin.....they are wild, not pets.

2109 photos in total