Diana Australis' photos


30 Sep 2019 57 43 353
From Svaneti in Georgia’s Upper Caucasus region, towards the Russian border. Have a fab Friday, and stay healthy and safe over this weekend and the week ahead.

Devil’s Marbles

31 Aug 2020 43 28 362
Karlu Karlu is the indigenous name of this large area of ancient, weathered red rocks in the centre of Australia. They are a variety of forms, sizes, conformations. Some like this one, weather in a way as to split perfectly in half.

Fence having a rest

12 Sep 2020 43 38 378
HFF from a tumbled down fence in the remote Australian outback. Our car and caravan are at the rear LHS to give some idea of scale. There is a fence, diagonally, mostly falling down! Have a fabulous weekend everyone, and sending you a great big hug from Australia

Aged iron

23 Jul 2020 52 25 424
Lightning Ridge..the.black opal capital of Australia in outback NSW. The piles of white dirt are tailings, or diggings from the mining processes. Old church.

HFF from Central Australia

12 Sep 2020 58 42 456
Far north South Australia, on the Stuart Highway. Have a super Friday and a safe weekend. Big hug from the nomads in Oz

A very tough beauty

09 Sep 2020 44 29 379
This wonderful species of flower grows only in the driest and harshest part of inland Australia. This was in red sand in the middle of the desert, They are known as Sturt Desert Pea, and they defy attempts to grow them in suburban gardens! They are Swainsonia Formosa, botanically.

Breakfast at the billabong

21 Aug 2020 44 26 448
Kakadu UNESCO biosphere, Northern Australia. A Nankeen night heron having his breakfast. I have been remote with no internet, have a little just now. Sending hugs and best wishes to all. Missing you! Stay well and safe

In the outback. HFF

05 Aug 2020 55 30 506
Hughenden, in northwest Queensland, Australia. Remote place. Hard to upload at present, still travelling and homeless. Big hugs and thoughts to all. Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend. Thinking of you all...sorry to not visit!


27 Jun 2020 29 24 359
A short time online.....a quick iPhone pic from near where we are staying in Norton Summit South Australia. Off to drive 700 km tomorrow! Hope all of my Ip friends are well...big hugs to you all...sorry I am not about to visit you much. Life is upside down! ❤️

Home for a few months

07 May 2019 25 24 370
We sold our house last week. This tiny camper trailer is now home, for 6-8 months. We will build a house 1200 km from our old home, where our son and young grandchild live...in Canberra. We will stay sometimes with friends, and sometimes travel until our new home is built I will not always have internet, so forgive if I do not so much visit or comment. I wish all my friends a fabulous week! Hugs to all...

Teatro Amazonas

11 Oct 2016 44 35 363
HFF from the Opera House in the jungle in Manaus, Brazil. External view Have a fabulous Friday and weekend weekend


14 Jun 2014 40 16 370
Remote beach in North West Australia. Dampier Peninsula.

HFF. Teatro Amazonas. Manaus, Brazil

12 Oct 2016 57 44 471
The Opera House in the Jungle, in Manaus, in the middle of the Brazilian Amazon jungle, was featured in the Herzog film Fitzcarraldo. Built in the developing rubber boom town of Manaus in the 1880’s, every component of it was created in Europe and shipped to Brazil, then a further1500 kilometres inland up the Amazon where it was built. It has been in constant use ever since, with Vogue magazine declaring it one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world. Nureyev and Fonteyn, Sarah Bernhardt, and nearly all the opera greats of the last 130 years have performed here. It is an amazing sight, the more so considering its location and history. I spent a couple of days, and nights in and about it....astonishing. 7 minutes ago. Edited 1 minute ago. Add | Edit | Delete | Permalink

Crab-eating fox

09 Oct 2016 38 16 381
Brazil. The Pantanal, the giant savanna, which spends some months each year under water is home to a dazzling variety of wildlife. The crab-eating fox primarily eats crabs and aquatic creatures during the wet. When the dry season arrives, its diet becomes one of insects and small prey. It is a delicate little animal.

HFF from Kandovan ( with animals)

11 Oct 2017 64 41 469
Kandovan is a so-called trogolodyte village in Iran, built into weathered mountain caves. It is an ancient village, with houses deep inside the caves, well inhabited, and reliant on agriculture. Have a fab Friday, and may your weekend bring some rewarding and interesting experiences. Above all, be safe! Best wishes and thanks for your visit!

Henna. Yazd, Irán.

22 Oct 2017 41 20 357
Packaging henna powder in a factory where it is dried and ground. The men are stitching the closures on the bags


30 Sep 2019 62 47 454
From Ushguli in Northern Georgia in the high Caucasus. A street scene in the village. Have a lovely weekend my friends...but be safe and keep well. Thank you for your visits and any comments

Iftar market

16 Jul 2015 33 14 348
Sandakan, Borneo. During the month of Ramadan, around 5pm, the Iftar street markets come to life making and selling prodigious amounts of food for sale to eat to break the fast at sundown. They are the busiest, foodiest markets I have ever seen anywhere, and the sights, sounds and smells are intoxicating. The food is amazing and delicious too....very lucky for a traveller!

2128 photos in total