Diana Australis' photos

BMW Isetta 1955

19 Jun 2009 11 12 1209
Palace of Gwalior, India. Maharajah's car in the royal transport collection. Thanks Anne for the model and info Wikipedia (below)


01 Jun 2012 21 10 986
National Museum.Canberra.


01 Sep 2007 11 7 849
Leh. Ladakh (Little Tibet) India.

Asian pelican...milieu naturel

Stories in stone and water

16 May 2012 12 7 882
Granite Island. South Australia.


13 May 2010 12 9 753
Brachychiton tree. Paraguay, Asuncion.

Lamp. Valparaiso

18 Apr 2010 10 10 840
Street art Valparaiso. Chile. The whole town is like an open-air gallery.


17 Apr 2010 5 2 798
Street art Valparaiso. Chile. The whole town is like an open-air gallery. BIG SIZE PLEASE

Valparaiso chess

19 Apr 2010 19 10 1013
Street art Valparaiso. Chile. The whole town is like an open-air gallery. VIEW LARGE SIZE.


21 Apr 2010 16 9 845
Street art. Chile

Walk on the wild side....

29 Mar 2010 21 11 1081
Patagonia. Glaciares.

Road makers

22 Sep 2007 13 12 1070
Himachal Pradesh..in the mountains. India. All the work is done by hand...boiling bitumen, mixing and shovelling the boiling mixture, and spreading it on the roads. As you see, women also do this work..because they are poor. Their children sleep at the side of the road, or play with stones while they work.k

The road ahead on which we travelled.

21 Sep 2007 7 6 836
High Himalaya. Himachal Pradesh. India

The weaver

16 Sep 2007 10 4 848
Himachal Pradesh. India

Mountainscape @ 3800meters

03 Sep 2007 20 7 1209
Ladakh. India. These peaks are around 6-7000 meters.

Heavy night??

18 May 2012 14 14 963
Street art. Hahndorf. South Australia..Pub /ad for leather shop.

Sheep dog

18 May 2012 17 7 1209
Street art. Hahndorf. South Australia. Australia has 100,000,000 sheep and 22,000,000 people. This art really symbolises much of rural Australia.

2131 items in total