

Beauty in blue

24 Oct 2017 41 23 424
Iran. Esfahan

Kandovan, Iran

11 Oct 2017 43 25 477
An ancient village built into caves within pointed limestone peaks. It is still inhabited and houses a farming community

Iranian Kurdistan

12 Oct 2017 32 17 561
Two men at the market. I found Iranian Kurdistan a place of infinite beauty and kindness. The people were so friendly and welcoming to strangers. This is near the Iraq border

Bringing home the bread

12 Oct 2017 43 23 537
Iranian Kurdistan. Taken very quickly with little time to frame. Love the bread!

The Tea Shop

24 Oct 2017 27 19 396
Esfahan, Iran

In the bazaar

On the road in Iran

21 Oct 2017 20 12 580
The old...caravanserai, the new.....mosque. And all the other bits

Mosque....women-only prayer area

19 Oct 2017 25 13 631
Iran. Shiraz. Amazing lights and silver mirror walls and roof

Nomadic sheepherder, Iran

08 Oct 2017 43 24 515
Northern Iranian Azerbaijan. In a remote area on a dirt track where we were seeking some pre- Hittite monoliths. This woman asked us 3 into her tent for tea. She would not allow the two men to photograph her, only me.

In Tehran glass museum

At the mosque

Magic light

19 Oct 2017 26 13 805
Shiraz, Iran. Sorry to not visit you..I am travelling one month in Iran. Do not always have internet,

Northern Iran. Tea plantation


20 Oct 2017 40 24 864
Tomb of Darius the Great, near Persepolis. UNESCO World heritage site, Iran

Kashan bazaar

Under the gaze

Beauty of blue

24 Oct 2017 43 30 848
Mosque. Esfahan, Iran

51 items in total