
Boats and Ships

17 May 2014

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The paddle ship "Jandra" offers tourist cruises on the Darling River at Bourke. Built very much in the traditional style of Australian side-wheelers, she is actually quite new. Texture "text_275" by ShadyMedusa-stock at deviantart has added quite a few years. :) Shown for comparison in the note, the "PS Marion" is over a century old. HFF. Explored.

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07 Sep 2014

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All the way

Very few lift bridges remain in operation in Australia. Batemans Bay has probably the largest. In normal use it rises only a small distance for a tourist boat, but very occasionally it needs to rise to full height, as on this day when the local yacht club had a run up river. A note shows the operator.

09 Jan 1966

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502 visits

From one extreme to another

Copied from an old slide. After we were out of the storm and again travelling south. we found ourselves passing through fog, caused by light winds bringing warm moist air over colder ocean, early in January 1966.

10 Jan 1966

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Into the pack ice

Scanned from an old slide. Shortly after encountering the icebergs, we found ourselves pushing through pack ice. It was a slow process, involving to-ing and fro-ing as the ship worked to force its way through. In these conditions, the Captain drove the ship from the crows nest visible on the fore mast. Note, far ahead, the tabular bergs looming above the ice.

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13 Feb 1967

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The "Nella Dan" returns.

From an old slide. A year since she had departed, the "Nella Dan" returned to deliver the new party and all their stores: most importantly, to take us home.

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01 Dec 1967


542 visits

Away again, "Nella Dan" at Macquarie Island

From an old slide, going ashore by DUKW from the "Nella Dan" at Macquarie Island, December 1967

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29 Dec 1965

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MV Nella Dan in Melbourne, December 1965

Updated from my original posting (and originally on F..r). I'd been copying some old slides. This is the Lauritzen Lines ship MV Nella Dan, on contract to the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) preparing to depart for Antarctica in late December 1965 with me on board. HFF and best wishes for the weekend, everyone.

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29 Dec 1965

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"Nella Dan" loading in Melbourne, Dec 1965.

Updated from my original posting and originally on F..r. I'd been copying some old slides. The Nella Dan was carrying a Beaver floatplane aircraft and a Bell 47 helicopter on this trip.

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18 Jul 2013

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The Portuguese Caravel 'Notorious' at Batemans Bay

People queuing to inspect the replica 15th century Portuguese caravel 'Notorious' at Batemans Bay, NSW Australia. Though not totally proven, it is very probable that several ships of this type, led by the Portuguese explorer Cristóvão de Mendonça were the first to sail down Australia's east coast in the early 1500s - about 250 years prior to Captain Cook's trip in the 'Endeavour' ! I now have written and illustrated an article about the 'Notorious' and the early European exploration of Australia: Were the Portuguese first to explore the Australian coast? You can follow the doings of the 'Notorious' on Facebook - look for notorioustheship .
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