On our way

Outback Odyssey

In 2023, a friend and I headed off to visit some of the less-visited areas of the "Outback" of Australia. I will post many images here, but not all will be in the sequence of our travels, as some will be timed for the posting days of certain ipernity groups.

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11 May 2023

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175 visits

Feral goats

Australia has a range of feral animals. Feral goats are one such species - these were near the Queensland border in western NSW. See also PiPs.

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12 May 2023

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132 visits

Street mustering

The beef cattle industry is the main activity in the area around the little town of Quilpie in outback Queensland. It was therefore not a total surprise to see these steel cutouts of a stockman mustering cattle in one of the main streets.

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13 May 2023

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123 visits

Time for a Fourex

XXXX is a well known beer in Australia and this pub in Windorah was an ideal place to enjoy a few. Care to join me on a bench for a beer? HBM and have a good week, everyone.

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12 May 2023

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163 visits

Along the road

Somewhere on the "Diamantina Developmental Road" , as are the PiPs. It becomes a long way between anywhere out that way! This needs a musical link. :-)

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12 May 2023

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226 visits


Pink Cockatoo (visit my previous image at PiP2 for more details) landing on a fence with a paddymelon snack. I was very pleased to capture these images, as these birds are uncommon and have recently been listed as "vulnerable". Best viewed large. Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a great weekend.

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12 May 2023

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181 visits

Pink Cockatoo

The Pink Cockatoo (also known as a "Major Mitchell" cockatoo) is an uncommon resident of the dryer areas of inland Australia. It has recently been designated as "vulnerable" and I was delighted to find the pair in these images (see also PiPs). This one seems excited to have found some Paddymelons and is showing its coloured crest.

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11 May 2023

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181 visits

Wall art

I found this wall art (also see PiPs) in a laneway in Cunnamulla. I'm afraid I don't know who was the artist, but the approach of adding things seen in the bush is interesting (old boots!). In this main image, the bird at top right is a female Zebra Finch, while in PiP 1, the bird at lower left is a male Zebra Finch.

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12 May 2023

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156 visits

Picnic near the lake

This rustic picnic table and shelter are at Lake Houdraman, a very pleasant spot near Quilpie in western Queensland. See also PiP. I've finished travels for a while and have a great many images to work through! For now, I'll wish everyone a Happy Bench Monday and a safe and enjoyable week.

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10 May 2023

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227 visits

Sunset in Cunnamulla

Cunnamulla is a small country town, so the streets become quiet as the sun goes down. This is in a park in the middle of town. I'll be heading away again for a while, so best wishes everyone and have a Happy Fence Friday.
90 items in total