tiabunna's photos

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25 Oct 2023

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131 visits

Docklands and benches

The Yarra River in Melbourne was once the main ship docking area, with wharves and low warehouses (see previous image). The shipping now has been moved to the far distance in the main image and the old dock area has been redeveloped as "Docklands" with apartments and offices. See notes for details of the benches. Happy Bench Monday and have a good week, everyone.

12 Jul 2012

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Nella Dan departure for Antarctica, Dec 1965, Melbourne

The Yarra River, as it was, with wharves on both sides.

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25 Oct 2023

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Across the Yarra

The Yarra River flows through Melbourne. It is often known, maybe a little unkindly, as the only river in Australia to flow upside-down, with the mud on top. :-) Looking from the south bank toward the city area.

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24 Oct 2023

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131 visits

Another Melbourne panorama

Taken on the same walk as my previous panorama, this one shows more of the new buildings on the south bank of the Yarra River. On the right is the "Polly Woodside", now restored but a rusting hulk when I lived in Melbourne long ago. Also new is the long low building behind, part of the Melbourne Convention Centre. View large. Happy Fence Friday and have a good weekend, eveyone.

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24 Oct 2023

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Melbourne panorama

Just back from my travels, the main purpose being a visit to Melbourne. This is a stitched panorama from one of the bridges across the Yarra River. More distant to the left is the city centre, the buildings on the right are all new. View large. Wishing everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a good weekend to follow.

21 Oct 2023

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Styrofoam escapee

For Macro Mondays group 23/10//2023, topic #332. "Styrofoam." There is a building project nearby. Styrofoam is among the materials being used and some pieces 'escape' to the street. This was one such (about 25 mm long) which I found on my morning walk. Looks best viewed large. I'm now heading away for a short trip, best wishes everyone.

19 Oct 2023

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Visiting Rosella

One of the local Crimson Rosellas visiting for a snack of seeds from a recycled dog feeding bowl. Taken with the old Vivitar Series 1 "all manual" zoom lens.

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20 May 2023

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Ilfracombe Post Office

Across the road from the "Machinery Mile" roadside museum in my previous images.

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20 May 2023

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229 visits

Ilfracombe Machinery Mile

Ilfracombe is a 'blink and you will miss it' village with the main road passing through. To add interest and give travellers a reason to stop, they have this roadside museum of old equipment. ADDITION: I've just done some homework I should have done earlier, it's called the Machinery Mile. Yes, there are some fences. So, although the world doesn't seem that way, I wish everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a peaceful weekend.
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