Syborgh's favorite photos

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By Janet Brien

67 favorites

1-10 Project: 8 Legs = Spider!

I'd forgotten all about this picture until I was looking through my images to see what I could use for my 1-10 Project. This beauty is a Cat-Faced Orbweaver, just like Roscoe Frank McCrawlerson, the spider that stayed in our porch doorway. This one I found on our back porch one evening, crawling on a piece of plastic. There are five others doing this project with me! Make sure to check out their streams and see what they've been doing with their 1-10 Project! 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 15, 2014. Highest placement, #3.


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By Soeradjoen (limited time)

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By Soeradjoen (limited time)

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Preparing food

By Soeradjoen (limited time)

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Almost taken

By Soeradjoen (limited time)

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By Anne Elliott

5 favorites

Crab Spider on Gaillardia

The third rather uninspiring photo of the day, lol! Some days, I just have no enthusiasm for posting the photos I've grabbed! Needed this one for my Set about the Leighton Art Centre, showing some of the flora and fauna that three of us found and listed when we botanized the hillside belonging to the Centre, on 6 July 2013. I love seeing Gaillardia flowers that are just beginning to open, surrounded by all those fine hairs. Happened to notice this tiny Crab Spider on this one. UPDATE (9 July 2013) on the Calgary Zoo: "The Calgary Zoo announced today that it will begin to move animals to other institutions on a permanent basis beginning as early as next week. Recent flooding caused extensive damage across the zoo's 32-acre island. The South America building is one of the oldest facilities at the zoo and was one of the hardest hit in the flood. Dr. Clément Lanthier, zoo president and CEO, said the damage to the building and its systems is so extensive that it has been determined that it makes no sense to invest very limited resources in its repair. "Sadly this means we have to quickly find new homes for the 34 individual animals representing 11 species that were housed in this building," said Dr. Lanthier. Prior to the flood, the zoo was looking for new homes for one white stork, one Parma wallaby, two black swans and seven Rock hyraxes--that search is ongoing and these animals will also be transferred to other facilities as soon as possible. This brings the total of animals to be moved to 45 individuals representing 15 species." From Calgary Zoo e-mail.

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By Syborgh

4 favorites

Grey barn, front side, from the Rolbaan (2010)

De Grijze schuur, Kemperheide, vliegbasis Deelen. In WO-II was de militaire vliegbasis Deelen in bezit van de Duitse Luftwaffe als Fliegerhorst Deelen. Het was de grootse de uitvalsbasis voor jachtvliegers. Deze 'boerenschuur' was een van de vele onschuldig ogende dekmantels en werd gebruikt als vliegtuighangar. Het gebouw heeft muren van een meter dik. Het pad ernaartoe heet Rolbaan en loopt naar de startbanen van vliegveld Deelen. Na de oorlog is het in gebruik genomen als opslagplaats voor landbouwmachines. Deze foto is genomen vanaf de Rolbaan in het gebied Kemperheide. Zie Open Street Maps, en Wikipedia: Deze foto was mijn eerste kennismaking met deze grimmige schuur nabij natuurgebied Kemperheid, en bleek een dekmantel van Duitse degelijkheid d.d. WO-II op Fliegerhorst (vliegbasis) Deelen. Het is een Rijksmonument. Het gebouw is inmiddels (d.d. 2020) opgevrolijkt met een strak blauwgrijs plastic dak. Geld voor een echt pannendak had men er blijkbaar niet voor over.

By Frans Schols

13 favorites

Survival kit...

401 items in total