Damm nach Rømø - 20130511

Rømø 05/2013

Folder: Woanders / Somewhere else
May 2013 i was off to Rømø with my Band "Singvøgel" to record our new Album there, in fresh air and on a quiet and inspiring place. What can i say: it was great! :-D

Duke - 20130514

Ingo - 20130514

Gegenlicht - 20130514

Wolken - 20130514

Panorama knipsen - 20130514

George - 20130514

Spuren - 20130514

Gucken - 20130515

Hallo... - 20130515

Rollenboot - 20130515

Kiel - 20130515

Raus - 20130515

Truppenübungsplatz - 20130515

Panzer - 20130515

Laufen - 20130515

Turm - 20130515

Kanal b/w - 20130515

Kanal - 20130515

282 items in total