SuperMarina's photos


22 Nov 2012 6 1 449
As we were heading down CA 190 towards Stovepipe Wells, we could see the moon over the mountains in the distance. It was a pretty sight so we stopped to take a few photos. However, our cameras were not quite able to capture what we saw while on the road, so I had to use Photoshop to recapture the sight. This is it. Maybe not exactly what we saw, but pretty darned close!

Death Valley, Artist's Drive

23 Nov 2012 305
I've been told the first Star Wars movie was filmed out here somewhere.

Bad Water

23 Nov 2012 277
Badwater, Death Valley National Park, California

Rhyolite, NV gas station

Rhyolite, NV: Thriving businesses

23 Nov 2012 178
Once upon a time...

Rhyolite, NV: railway depot

23 Nov 2012 218
In its heyday, Rhyolite, Nevada had electric lights, water mains, telephones, newspapers, a hospital, a school, an opera house, and a stock exchange. Sounds more civilized than Los Angeles today, though I'm not sure the Los Angeles Stock Exchange building being taken over by a nightclub (I'm showing my age here; is it still a nightclub?) indicates a decline in civilization, if one considers how Wall Street operates.

Egret fishing

Egret portrait

I don't do landscapes

16 Jan 2010 5 3 419
Taking good landscape photos ought to be easy, at least if one lives in areas with the kind of landscapes common in the places I have lived; Norway, the US Pacific Northwest, Southern California, and many more. Well, it isn't that easy. At least not to me. When going hiking, I take my camera in case a bird or a flower should show up. The landscape photos I take do not in any manner or fashion whatsoever do justice to the actual landscape. Ansel Adams once said that "A good photograph is knowing where to stand." I guess it was easier in his days, before somebody put up signs with "STAY ON PATH!" all over?


07 Nov 2009 2 1 623
For 1/640th of a second, the fish thought it might still escape...

Frozen in Time

Oooooooo O!

04 Jul 2009 4 2 697
At one time I thought I might be able to shoot wildlife with my 500mm mirror lens. After trying I realized this was not realistic. But the ring bokeh typical of mirror lenses would look really cool in shots of birds flying over water, so I faked it. To create this image, which a single shot with a mirror lens could have done if mirror lenses were sharp, required two professional cameras, two RAW images in four layers, and about an hour fiddling around in Photoshop.

The one that got away

30 May 2009 6 2 527
Yes, I quite understand. The biggest one got away. Mine did too. They always do.

In the fence

04 Apr 2009 3 417
... when on the fence is just too exposed!

Flying low

31 Jan 2009 8 1 661
Another pelican; they are almost all I have photographed lately.

Love is in the ... water?

14 Feb 2009 1 4 443
Carnations floating in the water near the Santa Monica Pier on Valentine's Day.

100 items in total

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