cloudy surf 328

Kiriat Yam, Israel

Folder: Israel
My homely home hamlet.

02 Apr 2021

2 favorites

53 visits

cloudy surf 328

not an average day on Kiriyat Yam beach, Israel

31 May 2021

5 favorites


65 visits

sunset 418

showing daily in Haifa Bay, Israel

15 Jun 2021

1 favorite


60 visits

Harar beer 420

Ethiopia brewed, at Luza restaurant, Kiriat Yam, Israel

15 Jun 2021

56 visits

all shot up

target buoy washed upon the beach of Kiriat Yam, Israel

19 Jul 2021

9 favorites

87 visits

sunset angler 449

Caught the Sun, ship's next. Kiriat Yam, Israel

16 Sep 2021

1 favorite

50 visits

Tektonix 507

allegedly an AC remote, weirdest things turn up on the beach

View on map

02 Oct 2021

9 favorites


80 visits

traffic mirror trampled 508

handy for avoiding these pesky aircrafts

18 Nov 2021

2 favorites

92 visits

spider plant flower 526

Chlorophytum comosum blooming by my window

18 Nov 2021

82 visits

spider plant flower 525

Chlorophytum comosum blooming by my window