wakefield cathedral, yorks

wakefield cathedral, yorks

Folder: english cathedrals

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 143
tower c15, but like most of the exterior virtually rebuilt by scott in the 1860s

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 177
tower c15, but like most of the exterior virtually rebuilt by scott in the 1860s

wakefield cathedral, yorks

25 Sep 2016 129
east end of the church, extended 1904, designs by ?caroe under frank pearson. just caught the cathedral falcon in shot too.

wakefield cathedral, yorks

25 Sep 2016 162
east end of the church, extended 1904, designs by ?caroe under frank pearson

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 148
1661 font

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 169
1661 font

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 169
choir , late c15

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 130
nave roof boss, ?c16

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 166
nave with pillars dating from c12, c13, c14, roof and clerestory c16

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 185
royal arms, dated 1773

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 147
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 142
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 161
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 160
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 147
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 150
1635 screen

wakefield cathedral, yorks

24 Sep 2016 173
a single skull high on the wall, probably part of a c18 monument

wakefield cathedral, yorks: mrs.maude +1824 by ken…

24 Sep 2016 195
mrs.maude +1824 by kendrick. my old pevsner thinks this a grieving woman! janet maude by kendrick 1824

61 items in total