sherborne abbey church, dorset

c17 tombs 2

Folder: tombs and monuments

st andrew's church, plymouth, devon

08 Jul 2015 101
female shroud effigy arising from a coffin, c.1640, with part of her war damaged tomb surround, originally a sort of rock cut grotto tomb between pillars

st andrew's church, plymouth, devon

08 Jul 2015 95
female shroud effigy arising from a coffin, c.1640, with part of her war damaged tomb surround, originally a sort of rock cut grotto tomb between pillars

st andrew's church, plymouth, devon

08 Jul 2015 108
female shroud effigy arising from a coffin, c.1640, with part of her war damaged tomb surround, originally a sort of rock cut grotto tomb between pillars

modbury church, devon

04 Jul 2015 76
c17 memorial in nave

modbury church, devon

04 Jul 2015 65
1690 john swete of traine memorial

modbury church, devon

04 Jul 2015 56
1690 john swete of traine memorial

holbeton church, devon

07 Jul 2015 95
charels rashleighe, 1647, just a baby

holbeton church, devon

07 Jul 2015 97
late c17 tablet in north chancel chapel

holbeton church, devon

07 Jul 2015 97
andrew frind, 1692

st helen bishopsgate, london,lady lawrence+1682, a…

st helen bishopsgate, london,lady lawrence+1682, a…

st helen bishopsgate, london,detail of sir john sp…

st helen bishopsgate, london,detail of sir john sp…

st helen bishopsgate, london,detail of sir john sp…

st helen bishopsgate, london,detail of sir john sp…

st helen bishopsgate, london,detail of sir john sp…

st helen bishopsgate, london,martin bond, +1643, p…

st helen bishopsgate, london,martin bond, +1643, p…

528 items in total