salle church, norfolk

norfolk churches 4

Folder: english churches by county
yet more norfolk churches

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 70
a mish mash of fragmentary c15 musician angels have been made into panels in the south aisle

cawston c15 west doorway

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 105
c14 misericord, a man's and two beasts' heads

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 91
two caryatid figures standing on a head, with two foliate faces supporting on this c14 misericord

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 78
dragon swallowing victim on c14 stalls

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 65
boss on c14 roof of south transept

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 47
boss on c14 roof of south transept

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 68
two harpies or angels on a priest's shoulders on the c14 stalls

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 75
c19 male saint. two of the anomalous figures that stand on the hammerbeams at the east end of the nave look like victorian restorations to me; this one holds a book.

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 66
two harpies or angels? on a ?priest's shoulders on the c14 stalls

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 99
c15 st.mary. of the three non-angelic figures that stand on the hammerbeams of the roof, only this one seems to be mediaeval; she could indeed be mary despite the red clothes she wears.

cley church, norfolk

07 Dec 2013 87
c14 church and transept, c15 porch

cley church, norfolk

07 Dec 2013 68
c14 ruined south transept

cley church, norfolk

07 Dec 2013 63
c14 ruined south transept

cley church, norfolk

07 Dec 2013 85
I seem destined to always get here just as the sun goes down; at least this time I've a camera that can cope. one day I'll get there on a bright sunny day and really get the shots I want. mind you, cool church at any time of day or year...c14 church with c15 porch and aisle fenestration

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 59
full size angels stand on the hammerbeams of the mid c15 roof

cawston early c15 roof

05 Feb 2010 90
built by money from michael de la pole[+1414] and widow. screen c.1505

cawston church, norfolk

06 Dec 2013 71
little angel on the mid c15 nave roof

2000 items in total