st.luke's church, charlton, london

south london churches

Folder: london churches

chapel in the wood, strawberry hill, twickenham

19 May 2018 39
chapel built 1772 , design by chute, built by gayfere, refurbished 1950s

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 58
nave by john james 1714-5, tower c14

chapel in the wood, strawberry hill, twickenham

19 May 2018 41
chapel built 1772 , design by chute, built by gayfere, refurbished 1950s

twickenham church

19 May 2018 1 53
view along the river thames with eel pie island on the right and twickenham' s c14 church tower in the distance

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 61
c18 dragon weathervane on the tower

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 51
c14 tower, c18 church by john james 1714-5

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 50
church of 1714-5 by john james

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 30
nave by john james 1714-5, tower c14

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 49
nave by john james 1714-5, tower c14

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 53
tomb of joseph hickey, +1794, the b-side of wife sarah's +1768 memorial

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 74
skull and cross bones on an c18 gravestone

twickenham church, middx

19 May 2018 37
brick bodystone and footstone, prob. c19

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 52
alexander pope's memorial to his nurse mary beach, + 1725

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 50
c18 gravestones with skull , crown and trumpets

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 51
c18 gravestone with cherubs, john kent +1778

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 36
chaloner ogle, memorial by rysbrack 1751

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 66
francis poulton and wife +1642, apparently terracotta. there was a service going on so I'm unable to confirm this

twickenham church , middx

19 May 2018 66
francis poulton and wife +1642

2000 items in total