all saints church, kingston-on-thames, london

tombs c19-21

Folder: tombs and monuments

all saints church, kingston-on-thames, london

28 Aug 2015 100
seated figure of henry davidson 1827 by ternouth

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 88
rev. robert mark delafosse, 1819, neo-greek by flaxman, vicar of petersham and schoolteacher in richmond, hence the schoolboy mourners

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 76
major george bean, died 1815 at waterloo, tomb by bacon the younger mourner, cannon, heraldry

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

30 Aug 2015 100
major george bean, died 1815 at waterloo, tomb by bacon the younger mourner, cannon, heraldry

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

30 Aug 2015 95
samuel paynter, 1844 by baily. a difficult monument to photo in daylight skied between two large windows, a common problem here.

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 102
rev. robert mark delafosse, 1819, neo-greek by flaxman, vicar of petersham and schoolteacher in richmond, hence the schoolboy mourners

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 88
barbara lowther, 1805, by flaxman

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 88
barbara lowther, 1805, by flaxman

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 102
barbara lowther, 1805, by flaxman

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

30 Aug 2015 82
j. lever, 1870 brass

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 88
mungo dick, 1833, neo-greek tablet

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 73
mungo dick, 1833, neo-greek tablet

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 104
"mrs" mary elizabeth braddon, author of lady audley's secret, 1915 , relief bust embossed in bronze by j.e.hyett

st mary magdalene, richmond, london

28 Aug 2015 106
edmund kean, 1833, actor. bust by loft, 1839, tomb probably altered when brought inside the church

st john's church, croydon, surrey

14 Aug 2015 77
j.s.copley +1815 memorial by morton edwards with nice portrait relief bust and artist's palette and brushes

st john's church, croydon, surrey

14 Aug 2015 85
j.s.copley +1815 memorial by morton edwards with nice portrait relief bust and artist's palette and brushes

st john's church, croydon, surrey

14 Aug 2015 74
brass to lewis cottingham, architect, +1847

buckland monachorum church, devon

06 Jul 2015 106
dame eleanor drake, 1841, memorial with angels scattering roses by westmacott

1413 items in total