all saints church, kingston-on-thames, london

gravestones and tombs

Folder: tombs and monuments
outside gravemarkers of all sorts

shaugh prior church, devon

09 Jul 2015 84
sarah mumford, 1805

shaugh prior church, devon

09 Jul 2015 71
sarah mumford, 1805

shaugh prior church, devon

09 Jul 2015 73
mary damerel with clock, 1775

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 1 5 204
death on the tombstone of john andrew 1754. it seems from the epitaph that he was blind

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 97
walter willcocks 1769

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 1 140
walter willcocks 1769

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 101
william rorve or korve, 1758

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 129
john andrew 1754. this is listed, yet look at the state of it

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 138
john andrew 1754

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 107
mid c18 stone with no obvious name, so it may be a footstone

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 86
mary light, 1766

sheepstor church, devon

06 Jul 2015 76
simon willcocks 1756

meavy church, devon

06 Jul 2015 104
mary pearce 1758

meavy church, devon

06 Jul 2015 69
c19 northmoor gravestones

bigbury church, devon

04 Jul 2015 61
scythe cutting roses on roach infants' gravestone c.1878

bigbury church, devon

04 Jul 2015 66
scythe cutting roses on roach infants' gravestone c.1878

harford church, devon

09 Jul 2015 59
richard smith 1772 gravestone

yealmpton church, devon

04 Jul 2015 67
sarah jane locke, 1829, gravestone

1998 items in total