warwick 1140

warwickshire churches

Folder: english churches by county

berkswell church, warks (17)

25 Apr 2019 49
c18 royal arms of george iii with very obvious recent restoration in a modern style

berkswell church, warks (16)

25 Apr 2019 58
east end of late c12 chancel

berkswell church, warks (15)

25 Apr 2019 57
east end of late c12 chancel

berkswell church, warks (12)angels on tomb of eard…

berkswell church, warks (13)

25 Apr 2019 29
east end of late c12 chancel

berkswell church, warks (9)

25 Apr 2019 67
entrance to the western crypt

berkswell church, warks (10)

berkswell church, warks (8)

25 Apr 2019 47
junction of the two c12 crypts, both built in a similar style. it seems as if the original design was for a rectangular western crypt as part of the eastern wall was built before being altered to the existing octagonal design

berkswell church, warks (7)

25 Apr 2019 49
foot and robes of a large figure found buried within the church,

berkswell church, warks (6)

berkswell church, warks (5)

25 Apr 2019 47
capital in crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (4)

25 Apr 2019 37
octagon vaulting in crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (3)

25 Apr 2019 20
crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (2)

25 Apr 2019 55
crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (33)

25 Apr 2019 35
waterleaf capital in crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (32)

25 Apr 2019 36
c15 ihs painted on crypt vaulting

berkswell church, warks (31)

25 Apr 2019 39
crypt of c.1180

berkswell church, warks (30)

25 Apr 2019 66
c14 arcade detail

465 items in total