peterborough cathedral

peterborough cathedral

Folder: english cathedrals
f. 655 benedictine abbey 972 dissolved 1540 cathedral 1541

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 280
boss on fan vault in the new work by john wastell, c.1500

peterborough cathedral christ

28 Aug 2010 271
figure of christ from one of the eastern buttresses of c.1500

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 243
memorial to joseph stamford 1683, with this green grotesque at its head.

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 213
memorial to joseph stamford 1683

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 213
rustic figure of father time, prob. early c17

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 305
memorial of constance may workman, 1681

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 318
tomb of thomas deacon of 1720 by robert taylor

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 320
cherub from monument to bishop cumberland of 1718 by thomas green of camberwell

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 319
tomb of thomas deacon of 1720 by robert taylor

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 333
memorial of rev.william waring 1726

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 323
crowd of nicely carved c18 headstones at the east end of the cathedral

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 334
c18 gravestones to the west of the north transept

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 296
tracery glass in south transept of 1863 designed by morris and made by william morris studios

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 240
glass by gibbs of 1863 in the south transept

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 241
glass of 1863 in south transept by an unknown hand, maybe gibbs?

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 461
glass in south transept of 1863 designed by rossetti and made by william morris studios

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 451
window by clayton and bell 1861

peterborough cathedral

28 Aug 2010 495
view of the altar canopy by pearson of 1894, made by robert davison

251 items in total