norwich, st.mary coslany (2)

norfolk churches 3

Folder: english churches by county

norwich, st.mary coslany (2)

09 Aug 2014 78
early c11 tower, the rest mostly a rebuild of the 1460s. redundant and locked.

norwich, st.mary coslany (1)

09 Aug 2014 94
dec. east window of church much rebuilt c.1460

norwich, st.swithin

08 Aug 2014 91
c15 church , now an arts centre, and seemingly one of the success stories amongst redundant norwich churches

harvest misericord, v. and a. museum

21 Apr 2014 187
gathering the corn with two cloaked heads on legs supporters, late c14, possibly from norfolk.

harvest misericord, v. and a. museum

21 Apr 2014 109
stacking corn on a cart, with two cloaked beast heads on legs supporters, late c14, possibly from norfolk.

harvest misericord, v. and a. museum

21 Apr 2014 143
threshing corn and dancing heads on legs supporters, late c14, possibly from norfolk.

long stratton church, norfolk

16 Nov 2013 163
the round tower is norman with a perp. top and details. the church is always locked.

norwich retable

02 Nov 2013 150
detail of one of a series of passion subjects painted on board, found cut up in a house in norwich, most likely from a painted retable that once stood on an altar of one of the city's churches. c15

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 112
teulon added this chancel and octagonal vestry in 1852 when he rebuilt the church

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 125
excellent teulon woodwork in the south porch of 1852, with the c12 doorway within victorian ironwork gates.

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 114
c12 south doorway, with teulon's iron gates of 1852

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 116
capital on c12 south doorway

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 120
the octagonal vestry and north transept are the most teulonesque details on this church that he rebuilt in 1852

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 119
teulon tracery in the north transept of 1852: he often showed a predeliction for windows of this shape.

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 131
north nave door by teulon, 1852

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 113
view of the font inside teulon's church of 1852: church locked due to works due to damp and rot, with the pews an d floor up.

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 127
south transept and chancel of 1852 by teulon

brettenham church, norfolk

01 Dec 2012 108
teulon rebuilt the church in 1852, retaining only the c14 tower and nave walls and a norman doorway

1998 items in total