Goldilocks : timing is just right (Autumn in the Sierra Nevada)

The hunt for Red October

Photos from a roadtrip through the Eastern Sierra along SR-395 in search for fabulous fall colors.

That part of California is best described as a "high desert" because the valley's floor is 5000ft in the north and "only" 2000ft in the south while 10...14.500 feet (4400m) high mountains to the west block most of the rainfall.

Forrest there mostly are pines and other evergreen but if you follow th…  (read more)

Goldilocks : timing is just right (Autumn in the S…

07 Oct 2019 2 1 143
That weekend was nearly perfect -- some areas still were green while some patches had turned yellow and already even orange. . There are more photos from my trip along the Eastern Sierra Nevada / I-395 . N70 9316 bib © Copyright 2019, All rights reserved - Post a link, do not copy or embed. Contact me, if you want to use it in your blog or publication or if you want a print

Classic colors

07 Oct 2019 2 162
At the time of the peak fall colors, there also is a classic cars show causing a severe crunch in available hotel rooms. And extreme room rates . There are more photos from my trip along the Eastern Sierra Nevada / I-395 . N70 9308 bib © Copyright 2019, All rights reserved - Post a link, do not copy or embed. Contact me, if you want to use it in your blog or publication or if you want a print

Fall Colors in the Sierra Nevada

07 Oct 2019 2 1 154
A similar view was featured as wallpaper for the MAC OS 10.13 High Sierra. They did have snow there . There are more photos from my trip along the Eastern Sierra Nevada / I-395 . N70 9265 bib © Copyright 2019, All rights reserved - Post a link, do not copy or embed. Contact me, if you want to use it in your blog or publication or if you want a print