Scottish Maritime Museum, Denny Tank, Dumbarton, Scotland


Burnt-out Car 1

21 Jul 2021 5 4 99
Enquiries are continuing after a deliberate fire caused damage to vehicles within a West Dunbartonshire Council car park. Quoted from the Daily Record website

Burnt-out Car 2

20 Jul 2021 3 6 112
Enquiries are continuing after a deliberate fire caused damage to vehicles within a West Dunbartonshire Council car park. Quoted from the Daily Record website

Burnt-out Car 3

20 Jul 2021 5 10 106
Enquiries are continuing after a deliberate fire caused damage to vehicles within a West Dunbartonshire Council car park. Quoted from the Daily Record website

River Leven, Dumbarton

19 Jul 2021 10 14 122
The boatyard shown here is on the site of R McAlister & Sons, Yachtbuilders, where four of the RMS Titanic 's lifeboats were built: the Englehardt collapsible lifeboats A, B, C and D. Lifeboat C was the one that rescued Joseph Bruce Ismay, the President of the White Star Line.

Napier Engine, Scottish Maritime Museum, Dumbarton

18 Jul 2021 6 8 117
The information board states: "The engine is a side lever marine engine built for the P.S. LEVEN in 1821. It has a single cylinder and produced 33 horsepower. This was the first marine engine built by Robert Napier after he started his own engineering business in 1821. He and his cousin David Napier were to dominate the marine engineering industry in the West of Scotland during the nineteenth century. P.S. LEVEN was a wooden paddle-boat built by James Lang at Dumbarton. She was owned by the Dumbarton Steamship Co. for most of her working life. The engine remained in P.S. LEVEN until 1845 when it was transferred to a new vessel, QUEEN OF BEAUTY, that Robert Napier was building. In 1877 the engine was presented to the town of Dumbarton by Robert Napier's sons. It was mounted on a stone plinth at the base of Dumbarton Rock as a monument to the 'Father of Modern Shipbuilding'. In 1984 it was moved to its present position."

Sunken Boat, River Leven, Dumbarton Quay

18 Jul 2021 15 10 133
"Something needs done about "disgrace on the River Leven". Bill Heaney discusses the ugly boat wrecks at Dumbarton Quay which are spoiling the area .

'Follow Me'

13 Jul 2021 6 10 159
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Bird

13 Jul 2021 3 6 82
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Polar Bear

13 Jul 2021 4 6 118
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Yacht, River Leven

13 Jul 2021 9 12 116
The River Leven... is a stretch of water in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, flowing from Loch Lomond in the North to the River Clyde in the South. Quoted from Wikipedia

New Flowers at the Giant Toadstool

02 Jul 2021 4 4 92
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Potato Head

23 Jun 2021 4 6 168
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Cup Cake

23 Jun 2021 5 6 71
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Dog at Morven's Hideaway

02 Jul 2021 6 6 84
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Girl with Blue Hair at Morven's Hideaway

02 Jul 2021 7 6 136
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Wee Parrot up a Tree

02 Jul 2021 6 6 132
Dumbarton Fairy Trail

Midwife on Emergency Call

24 Jun 2021 12 15 126
Del Boy's three wheeled van is a 1967 Reliant Regal Supervan III [not a Reliant Robin as shown here], with the registration DHV 938D. Quoted from the 'Only Fools and Horses' Fandom website See the original sign on YouTube

1436 items in total