Overtoun Estate

Overtoun and Barnhill

08 Jul 2016

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126 visits

Overtoun Estate

Overtoun Estate is at the foot of the Kilpatrick Hills and extends to some 55 hectares, the majority of which is mixed oak woodland, grazing, and landscaped gardens. Quoted from the West Dunbartonshire Council website

02 Jul 2016

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113 visits

Footbridge over the Overtoun Burn

Overtoun Estate is at the foot of the Kilpatrick Hills and extends to some 55 hectares, the majority of which is mixed oak woodland, grazing, and landscaped gardens. Quoted from the West Dunbartonshire Council website

10 May 2019

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154 visits


The European robin (Erithacus rubecula), known simply as the robin or robin redbreast in the British Isles, is a small insectivorous passerine bird, specifically a chat, that was formerly classified as a member of the thrush family (Turdidae) but is now considered to be an Old World flycatcher. Quoted from Wikipedia .

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02 Jul 2018

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153 visits

Overtoun Bridge from the North East

Have teams of animal experts, scientists, ghost hunters, psychics, and dowsers solved the riddle? Did the bridge's wealthy builder Baron Overtoun hold the key to unlocking the mystery? Or is it the ghost of his wife Lady Overtoun who is responisble for spooking the dogs on the bridge? Quoted from the Paul Owens website .

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02 Jul 2018

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199 visits

North West Parapet from Which Most Dogs Jump

The number of dogs that have leapt from this mysterious bridge are estmated at over 100. Some have put the figure as high as 600. Because of the remoteness of Overtoun's countryside location, it is impossible to tell exactly how many dogs have bounded the walls of its bridge? Quoted from the Paul Owens website .

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02 Jul 2018

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292 visits

Overtoun Bridge Looking West

"... tragedy haunts this eerie bridge." The Unexplained Files: Bridge of Death, 2014

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02 Jul 2018

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183 visits

Passage under West End of Bridge looking South

Overtoun Bridge, at Dumbarton, Scotland is the haunt of the world's greatest dog leaping mystery. With over 100 dogs leaping from the walls and parapets of this ancient bridge what might lie behind this terrifying canine phenomenon? Quoted from the Paul Owens website .

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02 Jul 2018

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189 visits

Passage under West End of Bridge looking South

Overtoun's dog leaping riddle is the greatest animal mystery of our time. Why dog's have leapt, and continue to leap from this ancient Victorian structure defies all explanation. Overtoun Bridge is without exception unique as the setting for the world's greatest dog leaping mystery. Quoted from the Paul Owens website .

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02 Jul 2018

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209 visits

Passage under West End of Bridge Looking North

Overtoun Bridge, at Dumbarton, Scotland is the haunt of the world's greatest dog leaping mystery. With over 100 dogs leaping from the walls and parapets of this ancient bridge what might lie behind this terrifying canine phenomenon? Quoted from the Paul Owens website .
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