Market Street, St Andrews

Zeiss Lens

Images taken using my Zeiss lenses:------

Zeiss 35mm F/2.8 T* C Biogon ZM------
Zeiss 50mm f1.4 T* Planar ZE------
Zeiss 50mm f2.8 Makro Touit------
Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8------
Zeiss 35mm f2 T* Distagon ZE

Elephant Bench

03 Aug 2023 7 12 80
Leven Walkway, Dumbarton

Common Gull

28 Jul 2023 6 14 117
Denny's Dock, Dumbarton

Beneath the Surface

28 Jul 2023 11 20 136
River Leven, Dumbarton

Denny's Dock and Dumbarton Rock

07 Jun 2023 6 4 126
River Leven, Dumbarton Zeiss 35mm f2 T* Distagon ZE F/8.0 1/400th sec ISO: 100

Denny's Dock

07 Jun 2023 2 2 95
River Leven, Dumbarton Zeiss 35mm F/2.8 T* C Biogon ZM F/8.0 1/1900th sec ISO: 800

Denny's Dock and Dumbarton Rock

07 Jun 2023 5 6 159
River Leven, Dumbarton Zeiss 35mm f2 T* Distagon ZE F/8.0 1/500th sec ISO: 100

Newport Bakery in the Rain

22 May 2023 8 10 97
South Street, St Andrews

Whyte-Melville Memorial Fountain in the Rain

22 May 2023 2 4 81
Market Street, St Andrews This memorial is erected in a central part of Market-street in St. Andrew's, where the thoroughfare is of unusual width. The stone used in the structure is principally Dumfries red sandstone, obtained from the well-known Corncockle quarries on the estate of Sir Alexander Jardine, Bart, Lockerbie, and while an agreeable warmth of colour is thus obtained, a telling effect of contrast is secured by the introduction of columns and copings of polished Dalbeattie granite. Quoted from the Scottish Architects' website

South Street in the Rain

The "Whey Pat" in the Rain

22 May 2023 5 8 82
Convergence of South Street, City Road, Bridge Street and Argyle Street, St Andrews A.I-Generated Article: According to my web search results, the Whey Pat Tavern is a pub in St Andrews with a long history. The ‘pat’ from which the pub takes its name was the pot they served gruel from to pilgrims as they entered the West Port as early as the 12th century. A.I-Generated Article: Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a byproduct of the manufacturing of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses.

St Mark's Parish Church in the Rain

22 May 2023 5 10 116
Photographed from City Road

St Andrews Brewing Co. in the Rain

22 May 2023 2 4 88
South Street, St Andrews

Farmore Interiors in the Rain

22 May 2023 2 4 85
South Street, St Andrews

Con Panna in the Rain

22 May 2023 5 8 92
South Street, St Andrews


22 May 2023 5 6 83
Market Street, St Andrews A.I.-Generated Article: According to my web search results, Market Street has been the commercial heart of the burgh of St Andrews for over 800 years. The first municipal building in the town was a medieval tolbooth in the center of Market Street which dated back to the 12th century. The building was arcaded on the ground floor, so markets could be held, with an assembly room on the first floor. In 1880, an impressive fountain was built in Market Street, in memory of the novelist, Major Whyte Melville.

Man Sheltering from the Rain in Blackhorn's Doorwa…

22 May 2023 7 10 76
Church Street, St Andrews

Logie's Lane in the Rain


22 May 2023 7 8 97
Body Piercing and Tattoo Parlour, Corner of Dock Street and Commercial Street, Dundee

346 items in total