Siebbi's photos

Watch your step!

Another found shopping list

21 Oct 2011 2 584
Für die Einkaufszettel -Gruppe For the Shopping lists -group whipping cream Q-tips (cotton bud) Nutella (Hazelnut spread) panty liners sour cream curd cheese cocoa knitted jumper waistbelt felting wool? choco(late) deco(ration)

Shopping list

19 Oct 2011 1 574
Für die Einkaufszettel -Gruppe For the Shopping lists -group Bread curd cheese cheese honey Sorry for the poor quality - bad light and mobile phone camera.

Found in my shopping trolley

17 Oct 2011 7 752
Für die Einkaufszettel -Gruppe For the Shopping lists -group Ban(anen?) Apf(el?) Kiwi WS?

5834 items in total