my babies ll

Visting my babies in Germany 2011


27 Aug 2011

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347 visits

my babies ll

27 Aug 2011

297 visits

totem pole art

27 Aug 2011

339 visits

super ball machine

27 Aug 2011

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1 comment

401 visits

my babies

27 Aug 2011

349 visits

superball machine, son in background

27 Aug 2011

306 visits

love them snicker muffins

28 Aug 2011


443 visits

Cry and Fly

Ina noticed a sign at the airport "kiss and fly" drop off point she re-named it "cry and fly" yep that'd be it

28 Aug 2011

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1 comment

503 visits


28 Aug 2011

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1 comment

503 visits

Even used warmify

but it can't hide my swollen eyes from crying saying good-bye at the airport
15 items in total