Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos

Life counter

03 Apr 2021 16 7 245
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : " Iacta alea est " Such regular icosahedron dice is used as a life counter in Magic The Gathering collectible cards game. Each player starts with 20 lives. Damage getting through are then reduced from the counter by turning the number of remaining lives on top of the dice. When the lives goes below one, the player looses the game. I photographed the dice against a mirror. Then on Snapseed photo editing app I used "/\/" shape curve for solarization , and added a strong vignetting. Finally I turned the image black and white, using green filter to make the dice look even darker. ➽ Original ➽ Magic The Gathering The Musical by Zombie Cat Productions at YouTube =,D


02 Apr 2021 20 8 218
Contribution for the Project 21 April 2021 theme: Flowers

Send message to all or selected group members

02 Apr 2021 4 8 242
You may have noticed the new group feature, which allows the group administrators to send messages to group members. On the following message form, there are then links to add all fellow administrators, moderators and/or members as recipients. But what you may not know or noticed yet, is that you can also choose selected recipients . All members of the group are then "your contacts". There "you" means you as a group administrator. This is why you can add also group members as recipients, even if they are not your personal contacts. Start writing the name onto recipient field, and the system then suggest names of the group members. This is better way to add recipients especially if there are hundreds of members in the group, and you wish to send message to only some of them. Alternatively you can add all members, and then start to exclude people, but it would then become much more time consuming. P.S. Do notice you can not use this feature to contact non-members. So, if there are for example contributions by former members, you have to contact them separately, if need to.

:∘• Pareidolia 20/50

28 Mar 2021 10 4 205
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project : pareidolia


01 Apr 2021 33 23 226
Contribution for the Project 21 April 2021 theme: Flowers Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : " Flower heart "


01 Apr 2021 16 5 187
Contribution for the Project 21 April 2021 theme: Flowers

∻∘ Pareidolia 19/50

28 Mar 2021 9 3 157
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project : pareidolia

Water under the bridge

:-] Pareidolia 18/50

28 Mar 2021 15 3 176
Contribution for The 50 Images-Project : pareidolia


31 Mar 2021 16 8 183
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : " Iacta alea est "


22 Mar 2021 28 20 254
Contribution for The Sunday Challenge #478: Mirror showing the surroundings Back to GIMPing for a change. Nothing special done. Only the basics: - Levels tool used to cut out "the empty tails". - Soft light gradient layer used to add a vignetting. Someone seem to have used this mirror for target practising. Plenty of stones around to throw. This is also the spot where I hope to see the first coltsfoots when the spring starts. Or is it coltsfeet in plural(?) =D ♫ Throwing Stones by Grateful Dead at YouTube

The beast

18 Mar 2021 9 7 170
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : "Car brand emblem"


24 Mar 2021 11 9 208
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge s: ➽ " Coffee bubbles " ➽ " Shimmer and Sparkle " As mentioned before, aeration is the best approach to get bubbles. So, either pour the coffee from height, or use vine aerator =D But to avoid steam on the camera lens, I also recommend using cold coffee ;-)
09 Jan 2013 30 22 244
Found from archives. Picture taken in 2013.

8¦ Pareidolia 17/50

24 Mar 2021 24 14 280
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : " Shoelace holders " Contribution for The 50 Images-Project : pareidolia


18 Mar 2021 27 17 301
Contribution for the Project 21 Quarterly theme Jan - Mar 2021: Abstract And if longing seizes you for sailing the stormy seas, when the Pleiades flee mighty Orion and plunge into the misty deep and all the gusty winds are raging, then do not keep your ship on the wine-dark sea but, as I bid you, remember to work the land. ~  Works and Days by Hesiod ♫ Pleiades by Stargarden at YouTube

Remove non member contributions

19 Mar 2021 6 10 231
Thanks to Rob it is now possible to remove the non member contributions with few clicks from the group you administrate. It may turn out useful if for some reason this is necessary.

:~⦈ Pareidolia 16/50

3312 items in total