


12 Apr 2014 4 566
South Waikato. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it Archive Airings.....AA 302....My Choice.

A Pond Below.

06 Jun 2014 5 2 516
From Lookout over Hauraki Plains. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it Archive Airings.....AA 134.....Looking Down.

Country Road.

14 Jun 2014 5 3 563
South Waikato. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it Archive Airings......AA 145.....Rural Roads

Tree Covered Mound

24 Mar 2014 8 8 526
Near Rotorua. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it

Country view!

24 Jun 2014 4 1 481
South Waikato. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it

Cows on the Hill.

29 Mar 2013 2 3 582
South Waikato. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it

Rural Road

27 Mar 2014 6 3 479
Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it HFF

From Hauraki Lookout.

06 Jun 2014 7 2 563
Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it. Archive Airings....AA56

Whakamaru .

21 Jun 2014 3 4 575
Archive Airings.....AA 90....Hills or Mountains. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it.

Rural View.

21 Jun 2014 3 3 599
Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it.

Stormy Landscape

21 Jun 2014 7 5 528
Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it. Archive Airings.....AA 201.......Rough Weather.

From Friend's Window

14 Jul 2014 3 4 561
West of Tokoroa, behind town. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it.

Bay of Plenty coastline

18 Mar 2011 7 2 648
Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it. Archive Airings......AA 162.....Blue Water.


12 Apr 2014 4 5 532
South Waikato. Thank you , all my friends, for viewing and / or commenting. I really do appreciate it.

Going Home

26 Aug 2014 7 1 719
On the road from Rotorua. Archive Airings.....AA 139.....A Bend in the Road (Path or Track).

Rural Hills

15 Jul 2014 8 3 915
By Lake Whakamaru, New Zealand.

Spring Has Sprung!!

From Above Lake, Whakamaru.

15 Jul 2014 12 6 728
South Waikato, New Zealand. Archive Airings....AA 134.....Looking Down. HFW

217 items in total