Eunice Perkins' photos

Fungi and Cones.

20 May 2015 6 6 499
Colour of the Month....November 2015....Rust and Dark Green. Theme of the Week.....The Colours of Autumn.

Sleep On, Honey.

18 Apr 2015 6 6 630
10 Week Picture Project.....Textures....Week 8....Hairy. Theme of the Week....Colours of Autumn.

In Full Bloom.

29 Sep 2015 8 5 518
Archive Airings.....AA 204.....Spring and Autumn.

Let Me Out, Please!

Flowers and Leaves.

October 2015 Scavenger Collection

Farmer's Market.

31 Jan 2015 4 1 424
Farmer's market, held every Saturday morning in Tokoroa.

Indian Costume.

31 Oct 2015 2 2 324
My daughter dressed in the costume of an Indian woman. SC10/1/3.....Someone In Costume.

Flowers Along Farm Fence.

21 Sep 2015 4 7 660
HFF. Archive Airings......AA 214....Along the Fence Line.

"Take the Road You Came"

29 Oct 2015 8 5 439
"Take the road you came" she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her. "It is brief advice, but as sound as I can give." From Wuthering Heights, Chapter 2, by Emily Bronte. SC10/15/4,,,,,Passage From Work Of Fiction Archive Airings......AA 259......Light or Dark.

Duck In an Irrigation Ditch.

29 Sep 2015 7 5 516
There were a couple of ducklings too but I was too slow.

Autumn Treasure.

Four Kittens.

08 Oct 2015 10 6 686
A friend's cat had five kittens. One was deformed and died at birth. These four are flourishing.

Puddling Around.

14 Oct 2015 9 5 499
10 Week Picture Project.....Textures....Week 7....Wet.

7003 items in total