Boat seat

Washington state, summer 2105

Folder: Locations, locations

14 Jul 2015

100 visits

Boat seat

A seat in The Husky Clipper, shell from "The Boys in the Boat" who won the 1936 Olympics.

14 Jul 2015

177 visits


The Cut, Seattle.

14 Jul 2015

80 visits

The Shoes

In the Husky Clipper of "The Boys in the Boat" fame.

14 Jul 2015

92 visits

Meeet the producer

Pike Place Market, Seattle

14 Jul 2015

97 visits

Market neon 2

15 Jul 2015

101 visits

Morning Delivery

15 Jul 2015

81 visits

Flowers, Pike Place Market

Early morning, Pike Place Market

15 Jul 2015

92 visits

Vendor with lilies

Early morning, Pike Place Market

15 Jul 2015

95 visits

Vendor with sunflowers

Early morning, Pike Place Market
67 items in total