On the road

New Mexico and the Southwestern U.S.

Folder: Locations, locations

10 Aug 2013

1 comment

103 visits

On the road

10 Aug 2013

93 visits

Ancient Zuni pueblo

"Atsinna Ruins atop El Morro. Archeological evidence shows that Atsinna and nearby massive pueblos were built about the same time--in the late 1200s. After only 75 years they were abandoned. (Perhaps they were meant to be only temporary: unusual heat and drought may have driven the Zuni from the river valleys to the high ground around El Morro.)"

10 Aug 2013

122 visits

Pool and tree, El Morro

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico.

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

85 visits

Trail steps, El Morro

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico.

10 Aug 2013

106 visits

Algae and red rock

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico.

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

100 visits

Stairway to heaven

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico.

10 Aug 2013

1 favorite

119 visits

Natural heart

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico.

10 Aug 2013

99 visits

Rock and timber

El Morro National Monument, New Mexico

10 Aug 2013

102 visits

View from El Morro

New Mexico.
259 items in total