Beach walker


27 May 2017

48 visits

Poet at podium

Southern Pines, NC

27 May 2017

50 visits

Lily pads

Weymouth Center, Southern Pines, NC

27 May 2017

1 comment

67 visits

Water lily

Weymouth Center, Southern Pines, NC

18 Jun 2017

1 favorite

54 visits

Dino and hot dog

Hatch, NM

19 Jun 2017

55 visits

View from Mount Lemmon

Tucson, AZ

20 Jun 2017

1 comment

45 visits

When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like you.

Tucson, AZ

20 Jun 2017

67 visits

Cactus flesh

Tucson, AZ

20 Jun 2017

49 visits


20 Jun 2017


48 visits

Canyon view, afternoon

Grand Canyon National Park
217 items in total