Ruebenkraut's photos


no more doener here

primeval forest flag - Urwaldfahne

08 Jan 2006 1 1 236
emil hat dies gemalt als er vier war. er nennt es "urwaldfahne". mich erinnert es an depressive missionare, aber emil meint, sie seien fröhlich. emil made this when he was 4 and called it "urwaldfahne". I felt the people in it looked like depressed missionaries, but that isn´t the case, emil said: "they are having fun"..

longline blue curtain

longline blue curtain light

mimelitt and kazuki

some old

door to some place

longline stones

emil work no.1

18 Mar 2006 222
emil (6) brought his selfmade sunglasses to the breakfast table and started a "serious artproject". he urged me to take these photographs and put them on the flickr page. he is going to become a professional artist.

emil work no. 3

18 Mar 2006 224
emil (6) brought his selfmade sunglasses to the breakfast table and started with a "serious artproject". he urged me to take these photographs and put them on the flickr page. he is going to become a professional artist.

emil work no. 2

18 Mar 2006 266
emil (6) brought his selfmade sunglasses to the breakfast table and started with a "serious artproject". he urged me to take these photographs and put them on the flickr page. he is going to become a professional artist.

emil work no. 4

18 Mar 2006 2 1 334
emil (6) brought his selfmade sunglasses to the breakfast table and started with a "serious artproject". he urged me to take these photographs and put them on the flickr page. he is going to become a professional artist.

Berlin Potsdamer Platz 1977

16 Mar 2006 1 2 714
scan from analogue

patmos greece 1973

16 Mar 2006 4 513
photographer: mein vater

close to the stream

3244 items in total