Rhyolite (8664)

Death Valley

A camping trip with Great Outdoors in January 2008.

Mengel Pass View Of Striped Butte

Rubicon (8648)

11 Jan 2008 995
This was another Jeep we came across as we were traveling. He had much bigger tires.

Self At Mengel Pass (8644)

11 Jan 2008 1180
Striped Butte is in the background.

Striped Butte (8642)

Striped Butte (8653)

Dantes View (1220)

My Ford At Dantes View (1227)

13 Jan 2008 1 1 1271
If I had a bigger engine I'm sure I could launch it across the valley to Telescope Peak.

Dantes View (6751)

Dantes View (6752)

Dantes View of Badwater (1224)

Dantes View of Badwater Road (1221)

Dantes View of Badwater Road (1223)

Telescope Peak From Dantes View (1222)

The Road To Dantes View (1226)

Rhyolite Mercantile (8666)

Rhyolite Art (8685)

Rhyolite Art (8686)

12 Jan 2008 931
Celebrating the age-old companionship of penguins and miners.

Rhyolite Bottle House (8667)

546 items in total