4th Street Bridge (7191)

CicLAVia 2012

CicLAVia is when some streets in Los Angeles are closed to motor vehicles for 6 hours on a Sunday. People bicycle and walk them.

North of the 4th Street Bridge (7038)

On 7th Street (6917)

On 7th Street (6918)

Palm Tree (6907)

Paraiso Restaurant (6945)

Pearce's Garage (3302)

Plush (6974)

Public Art (6943)

Public Art with punctuation error (6942)

07 Oct 2012 268
Note the apostrophe in "Flower's"

Rail (7016)

Rail (7016A)

Rail (7017)

Rail (7017A)

Rail (7031)

Rail (7031A)

Skidlid (6960)

07 Oct 2012 518
Dad is wearing a Skid Lid, which disappeared from the market in 1984 when helmet standards were established.

South from 7th Street (6908)

Spring Street Arcade (6932)

347 items in total