Applause For New Police (8608)

DHS Police Swearing In 12/21/2010

Desert Hot Springs, California, City Council meeting.

21 Dec 2010

886 visits

Applause For New Police (8608)

Those in uniform, left to right: Arnold Iniguez, Dan Bressler, Meredith Zengler, Ed Smith (in background), Gabriela Mendoza, Brenda Crandall, Dan Clary, Chief Pat Williams. Also City Clerk Jerryl Soriano and City Manager Rick Daniels are seen standing.

21 Dec 2010

531 visits

Applause For Retiring Commander Smith (8604)

Those in uniform, left to right: Arnold Iniguez, Dan Bressler, Meredith Zengler, Gabriela Mendoza, Ed Smith (obscured), Brenda Crandall, Dan Clary.

21 Dec 2010

771 visits

Commander Bressler - Chief Williams - Stan Bressler (8612)

Those in uniform, left to right: Dan Bressler, Chief Pat Williams, Stan Bressler (Dan's father).

21 Dec 2010

462 visits

Commander Dan Bressler - Mayor Yvonne Parks (8615)

21 Dec 2010

450 visits

Commander Dan Bressler (2183)

21 Dec 2010

952 visits

Administering the Oath of Office (8607)

Those in uniform, left to right: Arnold Iniguez, Dan Bressler, Meredith Zengler, Ed Smith (in background), Gabriela Mendoza, Brenda Crandall, Dan Clary, Chief Pat Williams (partly out of photo). City Clerk Jerryl Soriano is administering the oath.

21 Dec 2010

523 visits

Administering the Oath of Office (8606)

Those in uniform, left to right: Arnold Iniguez, Dan Bressler, Meredith Zengler, Ed Smith (in background), Gabriela Mendoza, Brenda Crandall, Dan Clary. City Clerk Jerryl Soriano is administering the oath.

21 Dec 2010

373 visits

Officer Arnold Iniguez & Family (8598)

21 Dec 2010

1 022 visits

New Police Officers plus Commander Smith (8605)

Those in uniform, left to right: Arnold Iniguez, Dan Bressler, Meredith Zengler, Gabriela Mendoza, Brenda Crandall, Dan Clary, Retiring Commander Ed Smith.
36 items in total