Barbara Worth (8308)

Pioneer Museum

A visit to Pioneer Museum in Imperial, California.

Barbara Worth Cigar Box (8313)

Cash Register (8334)

Cash Register (8332)

Cash Register (8330)

Carrot Christmas Tree (8320)

Carrot Carnival Banner (8321)

California No Ice Refrigerator (8355)

Historical Drugs (8326)

Harold Bell Wright Bourbon (8314)

Harold Bell Wright (8306)

Fordson (8426)

27 Nov 2010 300
"Fordson" was the Ford line of farm equipment.

Fordson (8425)

27 Nov 2010 517
"Fordson" was the Ford line of farm equipment.

Eye Exam Equipment (8325)

Hotel Barbara Worth Menu (8315)

Deborah Thornburg - President of Imperial County H…

Counter by C.L. Nesmith (8343)

Colorado River Watershed - north is to the left (8…

Cash Register Detail (8342)

140 items in total