AIDS LifeCycle 8 (2779)

AIDS Lifecycle 8 at San Buenaventura State Beach

In Ventura, California. Their last night before cycling into Los Angeles.

05 Jun 2009

937 visits

AIDS LifeCycle 8 (2779)

05 Jun 2009

1 460 visits

Gary at Dinner (2781)

05 Jun 2009

1 878 visits

Chicken Lady Returns (2782)

Chicken Lady (Ken Thomason) had a stroke some time last year and had to miss AIDS Lifecycle 7, but he returned to ride this year.

05 Jun 2009

851 visits

AIDS LifeCycle 8 (2783)

05 Jun 2009

1 531 visits

Candlelight Vigil (0308)

05 Jun 2009

1 612 visits

Candlelight Vigil (0307)

05 Jun 2009

974 visits

Candlelight Vigil (0301)

05 Jun 2009

1 014 visits

Candlelight Vigil (0300)

05 Jun 2009

914 visits

Candlelight Vigil (0306)

12 items in total