Ron's Log's photos

Dumont Dunes (1613)

Dumont Dunes (1612)

Dumont Dunes (1611)

Dumont Dunes (1610)

Dumont Dunes (1609)

Dumont Dunes (1608)

Dumont Dunes (1607)

Dumont Dunes (1606)

Dumont Dunes (1605)

Pastels Bistro - Tecopa (1557)

Pastels Bistro - Tecopa (1556)

Saratoga Springs - Death Valley (1602)

Saratoga Springs - Death Valley (1601)

Saratoga Springs - Death Valley (1600)

Tecopa Hot Springs "Cool" Tub (1555)

26 Sep 2008 1042
Cool only in comparison to the hot tub. The water in the hot tub is supposed to be 104° (F). From there it cascades into the cool pool which must be about 100 ° (F).

Shoshone Museum (1604)

Ibex Mine Area - Death Valley (1599)

27 Sep 2008 452
Looking back at the area of Ibex Springs, Moorhouse Mine and Monarch Mine. The mines are the white spots on the mountains.

Greater Tecopa Metropolitan Area (1559)

27 Sep 2008 526
The line cutting across the lower right corner is I-15. Las Vegas is off the map to the right.

47826 items in total