Ron's Log's photos

North Shore Yacht Club (6929)

North Shore Yacht Club (6928)

North Shore Yacht Club (6927)

North Shore Yacht Club (6926)

North Shore Yacht Club (6925)

Evidence of a fault? Near Bat Cave Butte (2088)

07 May 2010 632
I spotted this by chance. Clearly water runs through it, but it's not taking the shortest route downhilll. It's about 30 degrees away from straight downhill. It is not parallel with the San Andreas fault, which runs along that band of green near the ridge line. It's not a pipeline. There are a couple of those in this area, but they run parallel to the San Andreas fault. You can see the route of a pipeline lower than the San Andreas fault, just above the lower band of green. This line could be a fault branching from the San Andreas. I'll go back and inspect it more closely with an expert some time.

DHS High School (5757)

Oleander Bloom (6724)

Cereus Flower (5761)

Cereus Flower (5760)

Cereus Flower (5759)

Cactus Flowers (5661)

Cactus Flowers (5660)

Cactus Flowers (5659)

Cactus Flowers (5658)

Cactus Flowers (5657)

Cactus Flowers (5656)

Cactus Flower (5749)

47826 items in total